Catch in-depth, incisive movie reviews — from forgotten classics to the latest — across languages. Indies to blockbusters and everything in between.

tumbbad review
Tumbbad (2018) Review: Heady Whirlwind Of Greed, Gore, Horror

Set during the British Raj and divided into four chapters, the central premise of Tumbbad…

year of spectacular men movie
The Year Of Spectacular Men (2017) Review: A Disjointed Tale

The Year of Spectacular Men is the directorial debut of Lea Thompson, featuring both her…

Lust Stories
Lust Stories (2018) Review: Genre-Defying Cinema

It’s hard not to associate ‘lust’ with ‘sex’ when you think Hindi cinema. Films that…

Bunkar documentary
Bunkar (2018) Review: Heartwarming Attempt To Rekindle Past Glory

Bunkar: The Last of the Varanasi Weavers (2018) aims to narrate the travails of a dying…

Manmarziyan review
Manmarziyan (2018) Review: Character-Driven Film With Solid Performances

A modern-day romance-musical set in the bylanes of Punjab, Manmarziyan, like all Anurag Kashyap films, is…

Stree movie review
Stree (2018) Review: Riveting, Refreshing Horror Comedy

Like all unusual, inexplicable ghost stories we’ve grown up watching, here too we’re served with…

Parched Movie Leena Yadav
Parched (2016) Review: Feminist Daring At Its Best

Three women in a parched land. Feisty, fulsome, intrepid, they dream of freedom. And sexual…

Like Father Netflix movie
Like Father (2018) Review: A Formulaic, Unoriginal Comedy

The problem with trying to be creative is that it’s easy to turn to tried-and-tested…

The Endless review 2018
The Endless (2018): Remarkably Eerie Exploration Of The Unknowns

Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead’s horror thriller The Endless opens with a H.P. Lovecraft quote:…

Our Souls At Night (2017): A Heartwarming, Fulfilling Romance

Rarely does a film’s title elucidate the meaning behind the plot, and when a film…

ghost stories review
Ghost Stories (2018): Smartly-Staged Horror With Campy Value

The portmanteau (anthology) horror films of the 60s and 70s from Britain-based Amicus and Hammer…

Raman Raghav 2.0 review
Raman Raghav 2.0: Delves Into The Subterranean Of The Soul

With Raman Raghav 2.0, Anurag Kashyap is back and how! A dystopian study of two amoral,…

Insidious movie review
Insidious (2010): Tastefully Crafted, Suspense-Driven Horror

Despite brimming with classic horror movie devices, James Wan’s Insidious continues to attract considerably more attention…

My Friend Dahmer review
My Friend Dahmer (2017): Subtle, Engrossing Portrait of a Budding Sociopath

Jeffrey Dahmer in Marc Meyers’ My Friend Dahmer (2017) is a mid 1970s teenager, going…

Breadwinner animation movie
The Breadwinner (2017) Review: Timeless Tale Of Survival, Self-Empowerment

The Breadwinner is both universal and deeply personal, about the healing power of stories and countless…