Quentin Tarantino

Articles for tag: how to write dialogue, Pulp Fiction (1994), Quentin Tarantino, writing dialogue

How To Write Great Dialogue

Now, we all know the golden rule of filmmaking: show, don’t tell. But let’s not forget, dialogue is just as crucial in a screenplay. Choosing the right words can be tricky: too realistic, and the film may come off as mundane; too lofty, and you risk sounding pretentious or overly theatrical. So what makes a ...

Aditya Sarma

Quentin tarantino 10 movies

All 10 Quentin Tarantino Movies, Ranked

From The Hateful Eight (2016) to Pulp Fiction (1994), we rank all Quentin Tarantino movies, arguably, the greatest director of our generation.  Some filmmakers are interested in capturing the world they see. Other filmmakers intend to create a world of make believe. The iconic Quentin Tarantino obviously belongs to the second category. He’s directed ten films ...

Inglourious Basterds screenplay analysis

Inglourious Basterds (2009) Screenplay Analysis

In the year 1992, Hollywood was intruded on by a young, voracious cinephile whose arrival would herald a new style of filmmaking. Crime, gore, violence, pop culture references, expletive, and non-conventional screenplays became the trademark of his cinematic style. Each of the films directed by the maverick has compelling visual aesthetics. His films have explored ...